Sunday, April 27, 2008

In The Garden

I have been anxious all winter waiting for spring to arrive. This was one of the longest winters I can remember. The weather hasn't been very cooperative this spring either. It's been very cold at night and we've had snow a couple times this April, with more snow in the forecast. Add that to all the rain and flooding and it seems as though I'll never get the garden going! Above is a picture of one of my raised beds containing rhubarb, chives, strawberries, and my runaway blackberries. I can't wait to make rhubarb pie!
Above is a little plot where I had dug out a bunch of rock from the foundation of the old farmhouse that stood there. I used the stone to ring some flower garden areas in the front yard. I filled the hole in and planted a sucker from a rosebush my grandma grew at her farm. Around it I planted some peonies, which are just starting to come up and get some leaves. Peonies and roses are my two favorite flowers and I consider them a must for a farm garden.

In the back I have a raised box with raspberries. The floodwater dislodged it, but I think it will be all right. I need to do a lot of work with the raspberries anyway. They are my favorite fruit and always so expensive in the store, so I want to add many more, with the intention of freezing some.

In the picture above is one of my raised beds in the herb garden. The water moved it and destroyed the stone circle I built in the middle. I'm pretty much planning on starting all over with the herb garden anyway. Last year the weeds really got away from me. I am going to keep the layout of the raised beds the same, but I am going to redo all the plants. I need to make better plant markers this time, as the old ones are missing or unreadable.

My seedlings are doing well. Hopefully the weather will warm up and they can go out in the cold frame soon. I transplanted my honeylocust seedlings to bigger pots last night. Even though I haven't started outside in the vegetable garden, there is still tons of gardening to keep me busy.

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1 comment:

Tina Leavy said...

so nice to see your garden areas. I do hope that things begin to dry up soon for you.